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Jims RV-8
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Date:  5-9-2024
Number of Hours:  2.20
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Pitot/AOA tubing routing

Tonight, Bob was back in the shop, and after I showed him the better-fitting cowl, we discussed the next steps of the build process. At the end of our discussion, we agreed that the primary goal while Bob is here should be to finish all the remaining electrical bits so we can final test all avionics and rivet on the front top skin.

With the goal defined, one of the remaining jobs is running the Pitot/AOA tubing from inside the wing to the boxes behind the panel. We looked at the wing and the best way to get it tubing behind the panel is to go through the spar web under the left console and up through the left gear tower. This sounds like a simple step, although, at this point in the build, there are many things on both sides of the wing spar that keep a guy from being able to drill a nice, easy hole. The process of drilling a hole in the spar web, not drilling into the spar and anything of value on either side of the spar, is time-consuming. We had to remove the fuel selector valve, the fuel filter, and most of the fuel tubing, which is forward of the spar to be able to drill the hole front-to-back into the spar web. So, in the end, only two holes drilled and two snap bushings were installed, but it was done safely, and that was a huge win for the day.
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Before the removalof the interence

Before the removalof the interence

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most ofthe fuel system under the left console removed

most ofthe fuel system under the left console removed

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Hole in center was drilled through both spar webs

Hole in center was drilled through both spar webs

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