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Date:  5-29-2024
Number of Hours:  2.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Pitot, Static and Transponder Check.

" Easternstate Avionics " came today and performed the Pitot Static Transponder biannual instrument check.
All systems passed without any errors, thank heavens.
The three airspeed indicators all indicated within half a knot of each other and exactly as the test equipment commanded.
It's reassuring to know that I have a very accurate airspeed indicator.
The altimeters passed the check, no faults detected.
Transponder tested without any issues, finally getting closer to flight testing.
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Test equipment commanding 100 kts.

Test equipment commanding 100 kts.

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PFD and Standby IAS the same.

PFD and Standby IAS the same.

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MFD and standby IAS the same.

MFD and standby IAS the same.

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