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Bob's RV-8 Build Site

Bob Corriveau
Bealeton, VA - USA
Vans - RV-8
Lycoming - IO-360
MT Propeller - 3-Blade - Constant Pitch
Total Build Time:
4369 Hours

Welcome to my experimental aircraft Web site. This is part of a dream that I have had for over a decade that is now part of my bucket list. I originally ordered Van's $5 info pack for the RV-8 back in 1996(which I still have!). I then ordered the Rv-8 Preview Plan package in 2002. Life has been such that it wasn't until June of 2012 with the concurrence of my friend, partner and love of my life Kathryn, my wife, that the project is "getting off the ground"!

The building of the RV-8 project envelops several areas of my passion, my career, and my love for the realm of aviation. I recall from my early days of the excitement I had when a pipeline patrol airplane would fly near our house inspecting the gas lines of watching the airplane from the moment it came into sight to the last moment it vanished again. I recall the first flight that I took at age twelve after earning five dollars and partnering with two friends (Moe & Guy) for a fifteen dollar sightseeing flight. That flight launched a lifelong involvement with general aviation. I began taking flight lessons at fifteen years old, soloed at sixteen, and received my Private pilot certificate at seventeen.

Since earning that certificate my aviation history has been diverse. I have owned 4 certified aircraft over the years. Worked in aviation full time as a mechanic in the USAF for a few years and other positions such as flight instruction, 135 charter captain, and a stint flying a modified King Air B100 from New Hampshire to Afghanistan for a contractor for a short stint. Through all myriad of endeavors I have always enjoyed the pure pleasure of a local flight or a personal cross country simply for the joy of seeing places or people in the magic carpet of aluminum and rivets.

It is to this point that my love for all things aviation has brought me to this project of building my own airplane. I love both flying and working on aircraft….so building the RV is sure to be an adventure such as I have not experienced in my aviation adventures. This is part of my bucket list and I am looking forward to recording the progress, problems, fun and frustration that I know will come as each stage of the project unfolds. This website will act as a diary of the building process. It is my hope that anyone who reads this web-based diary will be able to vicariously share in the build as well (words of encouragement welcomed) and follow along with me in this new chapter of my aviation life. Feel free to send me a message with your thoughts. Hopefully, the completed project will exist far into the years to come and stand as a symbol to what is probably the apex of the wonderful aspect of aviation that has so enriched my life. Forgive me…..I must rush outside……I believe I hear an airplane coming by……………….

Recent Activity
 Date Hours Work Log Summary Details
Pitot-Static System And Front Baggage Floor

Idle RPM, A/C Docs, Pitot-Static Check

Canopy Stop Latch

Magnetometer Calibration

Seat Belts, Rear Vent Bracket Ver. 2.0, Lettering

Comm 2, Seat Belts, Data Plate

Trim Seat Belt Arms, N-numbers Comm 2, Visitors

Test Run, Resolve Right Ignition

Fuel Vent Plugs And Spark Plugs

Fuel Vent Plugs, EIS Configuration

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