This was hard! These spar inserts are supposed to represent the same dimensions as the wing and although the plans say that it is not important that the dihedral be exactly correct, it keeps in the back of your mind.Well, I measured and measured until I figured I must have the hole pattern correct for the spar inserts. Naturally I drilled them before I realized that they were supposed to have a dihedral to them. The plans state that the middle hole is 19mm below the top of the flange. For some reason I never read that until I was finished drilling. Well they were 19mm anyway!But I did need to drill the holes differently into the spar inserts so that now I have about 6 holes in each insert. The bolts go in OK and hold up the jig correctly but I don't know why this one was so hard to get right!Now to complicate matters, the plans say that the jig should match the wings. I am off by about 4mm between each jig. And, the wings are also off between each other by 5 mm for the same measurement. The left jig measures 987mm while the left wing measures 981mm. The right jig measures 983mm and the right wing measures 985mm. So the right wing and jig are off by 2mm while the left jig and wing are off by 6mm. I will need to keep this in mind when installing the jigs against the fuselage!
Wing Spar in Position with sides bent up 90 degrees