I ordered the Pitot/Tube mast from Dynon separately as it seemed to be the best way to mount the tubes to the wing, even though the mast was not specifically designed for a Searey. In fact, I think it was designed to be mounted in a metal wing as on an RV-6. Anyway, I easily made up an aluminum bracket from miscellaneous material lying around and fixed the mast assembly to the port wing's main float support. I spent and wasted a lot of time figuring out and ordering the necessary tube connectors, first for the ends of the probe's aluminum tubes (37 degree flared connectors), then a special one to connect to the plastic tubing connector, then the assortment of quick disconnect connectors that I used along the plastic tubing runs. In the second photo you can see my first pass at running the plastic tubing from the static ports mounted in the sides of the hull and also connecting to the Air Speed Indicator (ASI). I subsequently redid all this to give it better support and to keep the tubing out of the way of the rudder pedals.