

Bob's Searey LSX Web Site

Date: 9-13-2021
Number of Hours: 13.00
Manual Reference: Dynon 3,4,7,8
Brief Description: Dynon Skyview EFIS

I had been focused on preparing the engine for its first start and putting off activating the Dynon Skyview Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) because I just didn't need another frustrating challenge at this time. But the engine oil system purging required an oil pressure reading so that forced my hand. The Dynon powered up right away when I clicked on the right side of the Master Switch, which was gratifying. Following the instructions in the Dynon manual chapters 3 and 4 I fairly quickly figured out how to navigate through the menus and to set up the screens. Chapter 8 got the GPS going once I realized I had a bad connector in the wiring from the receiver to the Dynon. Then I advanced to Chapter 7 which deals with the Engine Monitoring System (EMS) module. There is a lot of information to be read and sifted through here as a number of likely engines and sensors are addressed, just as they are in the software libraries in the Dynon itself. Unfortunately I skimmed too quickly over the pages on the likely Rotax 912 ULS pressure sensors and stumbled around for many hours unsuccessfully trying to configure the system to get an oil pressure reading. Other readings such as CHT for both the #2 and #3 cylinders, the oil temperature, the engine RPM, the battery voltage, and the current came up immediately. Eventually, primarily through the advice of John of Searey Canada, I figured out that I had the wrong oil pressure sensor installed. Once corrected the oil pressure reading was mine to use. I spent quite a bit of more fun time adjusting the three available screen sizes to display engine information by deleting un-used sensors and changing the shape, size and location of the various read outs.

Initial start-up of Dynon

Wrong pressure sensor mapped






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