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Bob's Searey LSX Web Site
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Date:  11-2-2020
Number of Hours:  6.75
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Avionics - Dynon modules installations

Over two days Sebastian and I installed the Dynon modules (EMS, ADAHRS, BAT) onto the flat extension I built earlier onto the Harness Support Tray taking particular care to follow the instructions in the Dynon manual. Of note the ADAHRS must be bolted down with non-magnetic machine screws such as brass and be perfectly level in normal flight attitude. For now we used SS fasteners while we source brass ones. We will also install rubber washers (to dampen vibration) and brass washers as shims to get the level right, at a later date. Matching Molex connectors also had to be installed on the Wiring Harness wires for the OAT, the BAT (spare battery) and the GPS.
Sebastian has been using his time helping me with the build to get credit in high school towards his Grade XII career course presention.
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EMS, ADAHRS, BAT modules installed

EMS, ADAHRS, BAT modules installed

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GPS receiver Molex connectors

GPS receiver Molex connectors

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Sebas earning his school credits

Sebas earning his school credits

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