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Bob's Searey LSX Web Site
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Date:  4-20-2021
Number of Hours:  9.75
Manual Reference:  *Chapter 44
Brief Description:  Avionics - flight deck instruments rough install

During six sessions over a week's time Sebastian and I placed the cockpit panels instruments roughly (Dynon Skyview D1000 EFIS, Flight Line FL-760A VHF Transceiver, Garmin GTX 327 Transponder) in place and their related modules onto the Harness Support Tray (Dynon ADAHRS, EMS, GPS, BAT) and between the wings (Dynon OAT). I spent time reading all the manuals, especially the requirements and guides for installation. A list of required connectors (i.e. for the Dynon BAT spare battery and the OAT needed special Molex connectors; the Garmin transponder needed a special D-sub connector and crimp style pins) was drawn up and ordered. Lots of thinking, head scratching and re-doing...
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