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Date:  1-4-2015
Number of Hours:  12.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Taking inventory

Saturday: I am determined that I am going to get through the whole inventory process this weekend so jumped into it with gusto. With an outside temperature of -21C it was -8C inside the hangar when I arrived. I turned on the big natural gas heater and 4 hours later is was -1C inside. A lot of BTU for not much C!
In total I removed two dozen dozen (almost 300) screws to get the crate apart. Using the chain fall and my car tow-strap (aka: hangar door tow-strap) I slowly elevated the hull off the 2x4 support structure under it, rolled it over and placed it on a crate side lying on the floor.
The longer aluminum poles I leaned up against the step-ladder in anticipation of giving them the boiled linseed oil treatment someday warmer. The medium size items such as the fuel tank, floats, seats, fabric materials, windshield/canopy etc I stored on the shelves in the hangar’s shop. The six smaller cardboard boxes I took home to a warm environment where I checked all the hundreds, no, thousands of bits against the inventory sheets. Most of the fasteners I placed, still in their labelled bags, in plastic bins mounted in a rack. There are 24 bins in the rack and they have accommodated all the fasteners so far. All of the items in the five other boxes I put back in their bags and in their boxes after counting so that I can easily find them again by checking their part numbers against the inventory sheets, and stored them in my apartment for now.
Back to the cold… some things that don’t do well in sub-zero temperatures: ball point pen, liquid hand cleaner, concrete floor repair epoxy, wood glue, padlocks, car doors, my knees. Some things that do well: yellow hi-liter pen, lock de-icer, battery powered drill.

Sunday: Back in the hangar and inventoried the large box of flying surface parts, the long plastic wrapped parts and the balance of the loose parts from the crate. Decided to take home the large box of fuselage parts for counting and the three boxes of fabric fluids to keep warm.
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Hull out of the crate

Hull out of the crate

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Counting fasteners at home

Counting fasteners at home

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Inventory done

Inventory done

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