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Michaels Web Site
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Date:  8-9-2017
Number of Hours:  0.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Install spark plug Time-Serts

After a little more than 3 years of flying, and 240 hours, I finally had an issue getting one spark plug out during my annual. It galled the threads in the aluminum head when coming out. Yes, I always use anti-sieze on the plug threads, but that only does so much. So I decided to remove both heads and use Time-Sert Spark Plug Replacement inserts. The kit plus inserts cost me about $200, and the work took me about 3 hours to do all 8 holes. I'll put the heads back on later this week.

1. If you are still building your AeroVee I would recommend doing this upgrade now, instead of later.

2. Heli Coils would not be recommended. I've use Heli Coils for other things, but for the spark plug holes they require removing too much material, and because the existing holes get drilled out, you risk making the holes crooked. The Time-Serts are DIRT SIMPLE and NEARLY FOOL PROOF.

3. The inserts I used were: M12x1.25x17.5mm spark plug insert p/n 42125, from Amazon. But I might recommend the slightly shorter M12x1.25x15mm spark plug insert p/n 42123.

If anyone would like to borrow my Time-Sert kit, please feel free to PM me. No need for everyone to spend $160 for the kit!

I could not have documented the process any better than this, so I didn't take my own pictures:
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