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Date:  12-29-2016
Number of Hours:  6.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  rear floor

1) this is meant to show that I have installed the rear floor, but does not really show all the rivet holes I needed to drill and clean up! My arm is still sore almost three weeks later!! the panel for the floor was made about 4 years ago and had been sitting in the corner of the shop while I constructed the rest. It did fit as intended, with slight mod at the rear to accomidate the tail wheel assembly.

2) The right hand side. the little jacks were made to facilitate the wing allignment last summer and were really handy here.

The N number shown is on reserve, and is not painted on, per regs. it is electrical tape, and has disclaimers to those facts, just to not alarm anyone who should internet search them. I do fully intend to formally apply for the numbers this year when it is appropriate.
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floor instal

floor instal

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more flooring!

more flooring!

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