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Jims Web Site
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Date:  12-4-2012
Number of Hours:  12.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Paint Kitchen Cont....

So the work continues... The cabinets will be painted white, eventually. Daughter Mary always does a great job painting the cabinets. She's done both rental houses completely. Inside and out. I have just done the frilly work on the top of the cabinets, all those little posts take time and a lot of detail. So with a lot of standing on the counters I sanded the crown molding, walls and frilly stuff. Primed and painted trim and walls. It really brightens up the kitchen getting rid of that dark red.

I work a couple of hours each night about four days out of every week. So the log is not going to be updated like I was working on the airplane project. I found out when I log in to Kitlog this blog also updates on my website. I don't want to offend anybody with non-airplane work and projects, so I'll apologise now if you run across this project. I'll try to keep the updates to a minimum cause I'm sure nobody else cares, but my family does look once awhile to see what I'm up to.
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