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Date:  11-21-2012
Number of Hours:  2.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Paint Kitchen

It's been a while since I have been able to work on the plane project. So many other things get in the way. Money has been tight also. Since I have so many other projects going on I thought I could also document each one just like the RV project. This also may help to get me back into the airplane swing of things. The constant blog of work with photos seems to be a great way to document each project. I hope you enjoy it.

I bought a new house back in March. Daughter and son-in-law along with two grandchildren live there. It's a fixer-upper (I always love a project) so I will document the repairs and rebuilding.

The house was a short sale and took about five months to close on it. The entire inside was painted pink. Pink walls everywhere except the kitchen which have the most god-awful red faux sand filled paint on them. Looks like French Whore House red. In addition to the colors the rest suffers from neglect. So far I have restored the front door and replaced the glass (broken). Painted the front study, den, bed rooms (kids), replaced carpet upstairs and finished the hardwood floors on the main level. I restored the lower hall 1/2 bath, getting rid of the FWH wall color and replaced the counter top. Looks much better. Now I'm working on the kitchen, changing the walls from FWH to the yellow color and the cabinets from some kind of faux white wash to just white. The room is already brighter. So here goes......
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