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Date:  7-3-2018
Number of Hours:  3.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Top arch fluting and inner arch skin clecod

I fluted the tail cone top skin with the rib flange for the top arch skin fitment. I had to remove the inner arch skin in order to make room for my fluting pliers.

This is mostly guess work and no way to really no how much to dimple except by trial and error. The manual says to flute the top more than the sides and to do a little bit at a time. This takes along time as you have to cleco the assembly so that it will stay togher while you are fluting, remove the clecos, test fit and try again.

I think I have it pretty close, but I went ahead and installed the lower skin with clecos to give the entire structure support before proceeding with any more fluting and fitting.
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dimpled skin & flanges for top arch skin

dimpled skin & flanges for top arch skin

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inner arch skin ready for rivets

inner arch skin ready for rivets

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