This evening VH-OBY completed its first test flight. Officially the 694th RV-10 to fly :-)
The weather was overcast at 3800ft and the wind direction was from the N/NW at approx 5kts.
Dan and Shane were available to help out and were exactly that. Very helpful and supportive.
I made sure I had fuel.....good idea.... and completed a magnatometer spin to align the magnatometers. I checked the brakes and there was a minor leak that was corrected at the caliper.
This was all done, a helmet added to my head and a flight suit to my body and I was off.
Dan on the radio and Shane looking out for the sky.
We transversed all of the test plan, and in the meantime I touched the airspace boundary.
Shane, who is in ATC, was on top of it so I believe he took care of any issues as I was monitoring 118.80 being the Bacchus Marsh. But I may be in a little bit of trouble... Will no doubt find out in a couple of days.
I will be posting in a couple of hours the video of the event, so if interested I have inside cockpit and take-off and landing video.