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Date:  8-7-2016
Number of Hours:  0.00
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And then there was this... Half burried IO-360 C1D6 - a nice motor, once upon a time. It still had oil in it, but I'm guessing it is little more than a corroded paper-weight at this point. My plan is to use, well, for weight. That is, I've been told the fuselage flexes a good-bit when the engine is hung, so there's little point in aligning and fitting the doors unless the motor is stretching out the fuselage.
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There's oil in the battom of the motor, but...

There's oil in the battom of the motor, but...

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After ten year of settling, it took a front-loader to lift it out of the dirt

After ten year of settling, it took a front-loader to lift it out of the dirt

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