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Jean RV6 Construction Log
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Date:  5-12-2024
Number of Hours:  6.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Various

During the last few days, I had too many other tasks to do to devote full time on my RV6. Things I've done but not with pictures are re-dismantling the tail, running the wires to the tail light, and cleaning the inside of the fuselage.

Then I started to work on the engine and did the EGT & CHT connections, running the wires as best as I could ... I find it difficult to do it as perfectly clean as I have seen on some other sites. The result is not too bad and best of all it is done.

I then connected the expulsion tubing going above the exhaust from the oil separator. I used 3-4" of rubber reinforced tube (oil resistant) , which was fixed on an aluminium tubing for the rest of the run. About 6" from the bottom, I drilled a 1/4" hole and pressed the top of the toward the inside, making a depression like a whistle. The goal is to have no fumes inside the engine bay but a hole in case the bottom plugs up. The whistle shape is a bit like a venturi and should prevent fumes exiting but if the bottom cooks or gets blocked that second opening will prevent pressurizing the crankcase. I did not invent that but a pilot friend explained to me the importance of doing that . One very important thing is to cover the tube to keep those fumes as hot as possible because it's when they cool down that the problem might be creating itself. So I put a silicone/fiberglass tubing over the length above the whistle.

Finally I reinstalled the baffle, checked out what needs to be done tomorrow: finalizing installing the fuel servo & the air bowl. I am still missing the shorter belt for my alternator so that prevents me from closing the whole front final ... if I am waiting , I will start cleaning the garage to prep the area for priming the aircraft parts ... that means , lots of cleaning ahead .

Finally I reinstalled the baffle, checked out what needs to be done tomorrow: finalizing installing the fuel servo & the air bowl. I am still missing the shorter belt for my alternator so that prevents me from closing the whole front fin
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EGT, CHT, spark plug wire run .

EGT, CHT, spark plug wire run .

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"Whistle" in view

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