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Frank's Panther Cave
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Date:  1-29-2014
Number of Hours:  3.50
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Vertical stabiliser

Unfortunately 2 ribs supplied in the tail kit were incorrectlty labelled inventory - one on the vertical stabiliser and the other on the hoizontal stabiliser.

This has prevented any further work on the empennage since December . Today the replacements arrived - thanks Rachel and Dan for sending them promptly half way around the world.

Blocks of timber were made and clamped at centre height on the spars. Important to make sure enough clearance for the skin to fit correctly - at least 1" away from the edge.

It was a simple task tonight of marking centre lines on ribs and drilling the first #40 pilot holes on the top of the spar both sides.

Then it was a simple task of cleko first hole, align skin and drill skin to ribs using the #40 holes as pilots.The hinge was marked into position (second hole down) and first hole centre punched and drilled then use the skin holes as pilots to match drill the hinge. I then moved the hinge up a number of holes to complete all the holes in the bottom of the hinge then returned to correct position and drilled bottom holes through spar using the hinge as a pilot.

The vertical stabiliser skin has a very small indentation that was created during the manufacture of the leading edge bend at SPA. I know where it is, but probably nobody else will see it when it is all completed.
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First hole drilled in spar and skin aligned

First hole drilled in spar and skin aligned

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Drilling hinge

Drilling hinge

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Drilling all #40 holes

Drilling all #40 holes

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