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Steves S-20 Build Site.
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Date:  1-7-2017
Number of Hours:  5.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Mounted the rudder and elevators.

Before mounting the engine I wanted to have the tail feathers in place so the plane would not get nose heavy.

The rudder was really straight forward, except that I did not mark the upper hinge bolt hole when I painted the fuselage. I called the factory and they gave me the measurements, which I made and triple checked before nervously drilling into my freshly painted rudder post - Success!!

The stabilizers gave me some troubles. I "pressed" the bushings in using a long bolt, which worked well, but when I tried to pass the bolts through the stabilizer and fuselage bushings together I just could not get it to go. Taking it back apart and gently reaming the bushings finally got them to go, but it was not without a few choice words.

I used a piece of round steel tubing and my vise to bend the tail strut tabs, which worked well.
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Bending the tail strut tabs.

Bending the tail strut tabs.

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Tape to find where upper hole is.

Tape to find where upper hole is.

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"Pressing" bushing in place.

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