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Date:  5-17-2024
Number of Hours:  5.00
Manual Reference:  9225501-LOG-13.073
Brief Description:  1: Windscreen Resin Work

More work on the windscreen fairing today, and hopefully getting near the end of my involvement with this. My aim isn't to have a paint-shop finish here, but rather get it to a point where a professional paint shop can finish it at a later date.

After masking off the area I then applied three coats of primer/filler, leaving for 15 minutes between coats. Gee, you see all the blemishes when there's paint applied, hey!

I logged five hours on this as I was stuffed around quite a bit with getting hold of the right spray packs. Two trips from the airport in to town, plus a bit of running aorund between different suppliers. It would seem that primer/filler, in a pressure pack, in black, is not so common.
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Miss Tango, all taped up

Miss Tango, all taped up

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The first coats of primer/filler applied to the windscreen surround

The first coats of primer/filler applied to the windscreen surround

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Apparently this stuff, in black, isn't so common

Apparently this stuff, in black, isn't so common

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