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Waynes Bearhawks
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Date:  12-24-2017
Number of Hours:  6.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Wing Hardware

I put some 3/4" felt on the top straps for anti-chaffing protection then bolted them into position. I fabricated the remainder of the bottom straps for the fuel tank then cleaned and primed them.

While that was drying I started assembling the wing hardware and installing the proper bolts and nuts then torqueing to correct values. Some of the longer bolts I don’t have in stock so I started making a list to order. I removed the bolts from the aft end of the aileron drive and reinstalled the correct size. I also installed the aileron bellcrank and push rod. I don’t have an AN5 bolt quite long enough for the bellcrank so it’s not final yet. I also installed the aileron hinge mounts. I also installed the pulley and cable retainer at the front of the support frame.

I installed the wing strut attach fittings then spent some time working on the aileron cable pulley bracket and pulley assembly. On the early wings the pulley interferes with the rib. Mark gave me a heads up so I was already anticipating it. It just needs a little material removed from the edge of the rib lightning hole. I used a dremel tool to grind away a little at a time. After about three times of trimming and fitting I got it to the point that it was clear. Then I made a doubler out of .025 for the rib corner.
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Aileron Drive Linkage Assembly

Aileron Drive Linkage Assembly

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Lightning Hole After Trimming

Lightning Hole After Trimming

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Good Clearance Now

Good Clearance Now

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