Brief Description: Parking brake and lines filled with fluid
Figure 1 identifies the male elbow and straight fittings used to join the tubing to the parking brake. The part numbers from the Wicks catalog are: 266P-04x02 for the straight and 269P-04x02 for the elbow. For the connection under the fuselage, I used 1/4" elbow from Home Depot identified as A-14 Watts brass connector. These were not available at Wicks or you would need to purchase several parts in order to make one complete unit.
Figure 2 shows the nipple on the bleed valve that needs to be loosened before trying to attach a filler line. Initially, I removed the nipple and then simply tried to fill the cylinders from the bottom without first loosening the bleed valve (small dark fitting beneath the brass connector). The filling line became pressurized and all the fluid was sent straight up and then onto the floor. Once I loosened the bleed valve about a 1/2 turn, the filling of the brake lines was much easier. All bubbles could be easily tapped to the surface before getting to the cylinder. Now the small nylon fitting on top the cylinder also needs to be removed before trying to fill the lines.
Figure 3 shows the final assembly with the brake lines full and the parking brake cable attached. By the way, the fitting for the cable to be attached to the parking brake was 05-16240 Cable "B" Nut Cabin Heat 222-3 from Aircraft Spruce. What is also important to remember here is to be sure the brake is OFF when trying to fill the lines... if not the pressure will also build up and make it impossible to fill the lines... Live and Learn.