This was a very difficult job. After putting on the rear skin, I noticed that the rear bulkhead had twisted somewhat (about 5-10 mm) due to the use of tape to hold it into position while riveting (not a good idea). Next time suggest riveting the part in place first and then putting on top skin.The mddle top skin was another proble. Instructions suggest running a level from the rear skin to an intersection with a rod coming off the seat area. Then to increase the height by about 10mm, which I did. This resulted in the skin being to close to the rivets when attached to the side skin. I will need to add additional rivets near the side of the fuselage to account for this closeness to the edge of the top skin.Now, the middle top skin rises at a faster rate than the rear top skin that results in a rather good looking design but not exactly according to what I think the designer had in mind. It does give me some additional head room however and does not pose any structural problem, in my opinion.Finally took it up for a spin to check it out... actually a ride in a friend's Cardinal in Andrews, NC.