KitLog pro

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Date:  10-18-2018
Number of Hours:  3.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Safety Prop

Safety wired the prop screws that were left off until the fine pithch adjustment was to be made. I didn't need to adjust it at all. Nice prop. I folded down the panel again to swap the leads on the Dynon shunt to give me correct amp readings, and I put the final screws in the middle of the door frame with the panel out of the way. Worked on a squeak in the elevator control rods, but didn't get it out, yet. Worked most of the day on the transfer tank in the bed of my truck. Filled it up and then put half a tank in each wing. The transfer tank took longer than expected, and was not counted in the build time, but it works well and is wired to the truck battery with two locks on the tank for the nozzel and the full cap.
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