KitLog pro

Powered By Kitlog Pro v2.0

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Date:  10-16-2018
Number of Hours:  5.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  First Taxi

Finished saftey wiring the left brake and then installed the cotter pins on the wheels. Finished the new firesleeve on the fuel lines. Installed the cowlings and adjusted the camlocks on the firewall. Started up and taxied around the airport a bit. Tracks pretty straight and the rudder pedal inputs are quick and responsive. When the tailwheel unlocks for a sharp turn it is a little bit of work to straighten it out with the brakes and power, just like the other airplanes I flew. Didn't get going too fast but it should get up quickly. Ran up to full power and the prop needs to be set with a little more pitch to keep the rpms down. The Lane (Mag) checks went well again. No lane lights and minimal drop in RPM. Put the pilot's side door on before I left along with some stickers from Rotax and EAA. Talked to Dynon about some sensor issues too, and they are all sorted out now. Also put the leading edge cuffs on. Getting close to first flight.
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