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Date:  9-30-2020
Number of Hours:  0.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Paint Booth upgrade

It’s been way too long since I showed any progress on the plane. A SB on the -12 and some extra repair work has kept me busy. I did get a chance to make my first SWORFI (South West Ohio Regional Fly In) and it was amazing. A beautiful grass strip on the Winemiller Farm and a bunch of beautiful planes flying just over the corn field…what’s not to like about that…picturesque.
Anyway, I received my Sherwin Williams wash primer P60G2 and Catalyst reducer R7K44, but wanted to upgrade my little (too small) paint booth in the basement. There are some part in the Empennage kit that are 10+ ft long and way to big for my old booth. Plus, it was pretty dirty from the rattle can primer stuff I did on the -12. So, I tore down the old booth and went to Aviation Depot to get some lumber and plastic sheet material. 3 weeks later I think it’s ready to use and a lot bigger…of course the rest of the basement is a little smaller. Can’t wait to try it out with the new primer system. The window fan creates enough negative pressure to hopefully pull out the paint mist.
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larger paint booth, smaller basement work area

larger paint booth, smaller basement work area

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inside with 12’ paint table installed

inside with 12’ paint table installed

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should hold most of the parts that will need priming, until the cabin top

should hold most of the parts that will need priming, until the cabin top

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