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Date:  8-16-2018
Number of Hours:  16.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Left Bottom wing skin and tank

Once the right wing was completed, the left wing got the same treatment. Match drill, remove, deburr, prime then rivet in place. Typical routine.
I had hand cramps from holding the bucking bar up inside the wing for several hours after each session. The contortions to work the little tungsten bar into all of the various positions is a real challenge

I also had to pull the aileron torque tube out in both wings to allow hand access. The autopilot servo also had to come back out to allow hand access.

All of the access panel nut plates and dimples are also complete.

The wings are officially done.
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Clecoed up for drilling

Clecoed up for drilling

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Completed wings

Completed wings

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