After finishing the left wing, I moved on to the right wing. I was about 400-500 rivets in before I made a single mistake. Then two rivets later, another goof. SO, I went in the house for a while.
I found the Vans rivet call outs were a little short for some of the heavier layers. Adding 0.5 mm seemed to give a better shop head.
I bought a long reach back rivet set to get past the depth of the ribs. I would not attempt the wing without it. Back riveting is the only way to go. Not perfect, at least from the operator stand point. No way would I attempt the wings without that set. I also polished out a 1 1/5 x 1 1/2 x 3 block of steel to use a bucking bar. If doing the riveting by oneself, the big surface helps position the bucking bar behind the rivet.
If doing the riveting with a partner, I guess about 25% faster, and few if any mistakes would happen.