JoeNelsens Web Site
Date: 10-13-2017
Number of Hours: 0.00
Manual Reference:
Brief Description: continuation of pitot/static probe
1) Now, instead of the pitot tube being behind the LE of the wing and in turbulent air, it is now positioned 1 inch or so ahead of the wing, and this should be outside the turbulence. If not, it can be made longer! And I have plenty more red electrical tape!
2) Below view showing the original position and the new lengthened tube. Originally both tubes were close in length, but not exactly the same. Also note the newly pointed tip on the static tube. Now, if there still isnt much inproovment in my situation, others have suggested putting a small o-ring just forward of the static ports to remove turbulence from them. I opted to not do that just yet. I really feel the static ports need to be on the fusalauge somewhere, but considering the forward fusalauge of the Sonex is 'pinched in' some, there might not be a really good alternative other than inside the cockpit. Most insturment rated aircraft have an alternate static source reachable by the PIC when and if the outside port is comprimised, that allows the static system to read cockpit pressure, which would be very close to outside pressure if the sircraft isnt a pressurized type.
3)A close up look of the installation. the top and bottom ports are sealed with high strength management tape, you know the kind.... sticky on both sides!! Ha HA!! Joke! Joke! It is automotive trim tape from Aero WalMart.
one inch ahead of LE
Bottom view
close up of static ports
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