JoeNelsens Web Site
Date: 7-9-2017
Number of Hours: 0.00
Manual Reference:
Brief Description:
Well, not all plans work. thursday came and went, mostly due to my training and inability to make three consecutive good landings in the Kitfox. So, I am considering makeing several more fast taxi runs with the tail wheel off and get the feel of Sirpeedee in the landing -to-taxi transition, which is where I seem to be deficient per the instructor. The taxi test I have done so far has given me some confidence in that I can actually perform better in the Sonex that the Kitfox. Several other respected TW pilots have suggested that I continue with my fast taxi test in the Sonex and get the feel of how it transitions from flair to taxi. I am on board with this as the Kitfox is sufficently different fron the Sonex in ground effect, as well as tail wheel steering.
This Friday the 14th of July, a close friend and Sonex builder, John Horn,has offered to fly me around several times in the pattern to let me get the feel of approach, flair and landing speeds and visual sight lines. this is a great idea, and I thank him much for the offer. His is a turbo Aerovee, a Wiaex, and tricycle gear aircraft. The actual landing and subisequent taxi will, of course be different, but I am actually needing the flair and touchdown visual references, which is what I lack, and is impossible to get from the Kitfox, as its ground effect is different from the Sonex, as well as being a high wing vs low wing.
After this experience, I will do another couple of fast taxis with Sirpeedee and get my specific visual clues from him, being a TW individual, prior to actually getting airborne. The aforementioned respected TW pilots also indicate that this approach would be good to allow me to become more closely aquainted with 1100 LBS of Sirpeedee!!
Thanks to all by friends and followers who have been reading and watching, and waiting for the first flight notice. I shall post the outcome here after I come down from the expected euphoria, and can wipe the Sonex smile off my ugly face!!
Thanks all!!
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