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Baby Steps to an RV-8
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Date:  12-7-2013
Number of Hours:  1.00
Manual Reference:  Sect. 7
Brief Description:  Completed Reinforcement Ring on Rib

Completed installation and plate-nut riveting of the right-tank access plate and reinforcement ring. Felt good to rivet things doesn't come often enough nowdays. Although I'm finished with this piece, I am not totally happy with the results. Nothing bad, it's just the ring is not perfectly centered over the hole. From the outside of the tank you won't be able to tell, but you certainly can from the inside. Next time I might do a couple things different.

First, I'll set the hole-cutter to the exact inside dimension of the ring. Second, I won't worry about the vent hole at the base flange of the rib. I spent too much time worrying about covering that hole with the ring. Some proseal would have done just fine. Covering the hole offset the ring a slight bit. Anyway, as they say...rivet on!
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