KitLog pro

Powered By Kitlog Pro v2.0

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Date:  2-2-2020
Number of Hours:  3.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Sealed firewall, more riveting

Added some 3M Firebarrier around the firewall to skin junctions. This stuff is a silicone that is good up to over 2,000 degrees F and remains pliable so it will move with the airplane as it vibrates. It came highly recommended. All I can say right now is it couldn't be any easier to work with and it sure does stick to the steel and aluminum. I glued some test pieces together and they are stuck good.
Also did some more riveting on the bottom and side skins. Got the five double-flush rivets in case it ever needs to be converted to a tricycle configuration. My son works in about 30 minute bursts but we sure get a lot done in 30 minutes...but there's a LOT of rivets in the forward section.
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Firewall sealant.

Firewall sealant.

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Firewall sealant is good stuff.

Firewall sealant is good stuff.

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Double-flush rivets

Double-flush rivets

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