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David's RV-7
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Date:  11-18-2006
Number of Hours:  7.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Left Wingtip Fairing

Getting pretty comfortable with the tip installations. Did the left side in a day including the nav and landing lights. Decided it was better to get covered in fiberglass dust once for 6 hours than several shorter sessions. :-/

I'm not happy with the tip where it runs beside the aileron, though. It is about an eighth inch lower than the aileron whicj make the aileron appear to stick up. Just damned ugly to my eye. I was pondering how to fix it, and have decided to replace the tip rib in the fairing. I really just need to place the new rib slightly aft in the faining for the fairing to "swell" to the proper dimension. I got into this mess because I felt that the right tip was a bit too snug (but acceptable). So I adjusted the left one aft. Oh well...
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Left Fairing

Left Fairing

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Tip rib

Tip rib

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