KitLog pro

Powered By Kitlog Pro v2.0

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Date:  2-26-2017
Number of Hours:  1.50
Manual Reference:  Sec 10-2
Brief Description:  Brake Lines

Using a 100 cc syringe ($5.64) and aquarium hose ($4.31) I loosened the valve one turn on the left brake and fed brake fluid through the line. I kept doing this until it began filling my overflow cup and was bubble free. I tightened the bleeder valve and did the same exercise on the right brake. I pushed enough fluid through to ensure my lines were bubble free. Also, the plastic hi-pressure tube Van’s uses for the brake lines allow you to visibly check your lines are bubble free. Using the syringe and aquarium hose worked real slick.
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An overflow setup allows you to push all the bubbles out.

An overflow setup allows you to push all the bubbles out.

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No bubbles.  Yay!

No bubbles. Yay!

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