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Derek & Kims RV-9A Build Log
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Date:  6-23-2013
Number of Hours:  3.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Main Gear Fairings

These puppies are much larger in person than they look on the airplane, just look at them in comparison to my work bench. I fitted the front and reat halves of each wheel, which took some sanding and filing to get a good fit. I installed the platenuts for the screw fasteners to hold the two halves together. There are some very faint trim lines on the bottom of the wheel pants indicating the opening for the wheel, so i marked it with a sharpie, geared up and went to town with the cutoff wheel and die-grinder. Im not sure if this is the final opening size or not... most likely i'll be opening these up larger.
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k1000-06 plate nuts on interior

k1000-06 plate nuts on interior

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