The various avionics in the radio stack typically removable and housed in a tray much like the stereo in an automobile. In my case my radio stack will contain a GPS, audio panel, nav/com and transponder. The tray for each device gets fastened to the panel. Generally i've found tha RV'ers typically do this by riveting an angle to each side of the opening in the panel, then secure the trays to the angle.
I found this product from Radiorax that for this intended purpose and the benefit of this product is the side rails house fasteners that can slide up and down to provide vertcal adjsustability. This should cut down a bit in the fabrication time of making these rails. The company also makes a cam that can be used to provide adjustability in and out to align the face plates of each device.
I haven't found these to be widely used amongst the RV community; probably because they are quite expensive considering you can do the same thing with a couple small aluminum angles. I however like the proffesional look of the product. Also since i will be creating my panel over a very extended period of time, as finances allow, i like the adjustibilty. Future panel upgrades will be a bit more simple with these installed.
The install was pretty simple. A spacer is provided to set proper distance between the rails of 6.30" then the holes are drilled through the panel and rails. I opted for counter sunk screw hardware in lieu of riveting, so they are easily removable. I tapped the holes in the rails to accept a 6-32 screw.
Radiorax offers several shapes and sizes, primarily for non-experimental aircraft. The kit i bought is there least expensive 8" rail kit geared towards the RV type. Because the rails were about 3/4" short of spanning the entire height of my stack opening i had to do some careful planning as to the position, so i wouldn't miss the rail with the tray fasteners at top and bottom.