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Derek & Kims RV-9A Build Log
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Date:  7-5-2012
Number of Hours:  0.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Lens for leading edge lights.

The lenses take about an equal amount of time as the brackets. Wish i would have taken some more photos here.

You start out with a square lens bent to the profile of the leading edge. Trace it, cut it down to size, fit it, drill holes, countersink, fabricate the aluminum brackets with plate nuts to secure it in place, drill holes in the wing for the fasteners... etc.

Pretty simple, but time consuming, especially with two. The lexan is a bitch to drill or cut, it has very little forgiveness before it wants to shatter or spiderwed, it reminds me of tempered glass I have a few tiny cracks near the holes that i anticipate will grow once this thing is active, then i can make them again :)

The fasteners provided with the kit to screw the lens covers to the wing were not 100 degree heads to fit a typical aviation countersink fastener. Therefore, they sat proud of my #30 dimple as specified in the kit plans. Luckily, I have a stash of misc. fasteners i purchased at the begining of my build for this reason, i found a nice stainless steel torx head that will work perfect. (

So, the lights are pretty much done for now. Doubt i'll install the buld until i get into the wiring and i'll probably store the lenses til then too to protect from scratches.
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Both Lenses complete

Both Lenses complete

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Lens installed in Left Wing

Lens installed in Left Wing

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Pretty Clear!

Pretty Clear!

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