Brief Description: Leading Edge Lighting (Cont....)
The next step is to prepare the bracket that mounts inside the wing and holds the light and its components. At this time you also add nut plates to your existing wing ribs that will hold the bracket in place. This would deffinately be a S.O.B on a completed wing.
What ticked me off about the lighting kit is it turns out the bracket needs to be modified to fit between the ribs of several RV's including the 9. Seems the company could just as easily manufacture a bracket length for each model aircraft... But nope - gotta take the say to this babky to and take about an inch out of it, modify the part you cut off and rivet it back together. Kind of a pain and doing two of them took awhile. The instructions here are not real clear... throughout the whole kit for that mattter.. leaves a little to the imagination and reading between the lines... but if you got this far with your plane you can pretty much figure these out.