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Date:  5-12-2024
Number of Hours:  5.00
Manual Reference:  CC18-13
Brief Description:  Canopy frame leading edge revision

Having achieved stability with the canopy latches I go back to addressing the interference problems with the canopy frame and fuselage top. I hereby acknowledge that those who propose using steel hinges from the boots of German vehicles may be on to something. The geometry of the Cozy Classic hinge is just not adequate. I still want a forward hinge canopy, and I reckon I'm stuck with what I'm working with, because I can see light at the end of tunnel, and believe I can make it work. But I acknowledge there may be better ways, and maybe a side-hinged canopy is not actually that horrible a prospect. It has just added so much work, fuss and f*&kery.

I have operated the canopy dozens of times, and note endless interference at the utter leading edge, requiring an unsightly gap at the leading edge to make it work. By laying carbon paper at the join I can see where the rubbing produces the theatrical groaning, and decide I need to increase the gap between the 45 degree faces, enough that the canopy can open properly, and leave room for a weather strip later. I don't believe there will be room under the lip to have a weather strip.

Out with the trusty multitool and remove the whole leading edge, except for the flange, and back up into the structure 1/4". Where the old massive flox corners are compromised I cut new ones.

I decide UND will be easier to butt up against the current flange, so fill the flox corners, and fill the foam with runny flox seeing I made up too much. 2 x UND over the result using tapes cut at 45 degrees, each ply at 90 degrees to the other.

Profiled the underside of the torque tube cover with flox and added a 1 x UND tape across
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Carbon paper reveals the rubbing points

Carbon paper reveals the rubbing points

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Cut, mutilate, destroy

Cut, mutilate, destroy

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Fixy, fixy

Fixy, fixy

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