Brief Description: Drilling and bolting the mid-fuse and tail section
When I first tried to get the fuselage and empennage longerons lined up properly for bolting, I discovered one of the "gotchas" I had read about on the Matronics board. The angle aluminim which forms the top of the baggage opeining and is bolted to the bottom of the rear fuselage longeron was manufactured too long when the QB kit was put together. I used a Dremel tool with a cut-off wheel to trim off about 1/4 " of the bottom of the angle. It was pretty easy and did not cause any problems with any of the other parts. After that I was able to get both side longerons to line up as necessary for drilling and bolting. When bolted up with the skins clecoed together, the sections seem very secure. It's too bad I have to separate the tail and fuse sections again in just a few more steps because they fit together well now!