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Date:  7-13-2022
Number of Hours:  6.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Canopy Fitting

KLH, GAM & PGC today very kindly assisted in attaching the sliding canopy for the first time. I can't thank them all enough for giving up their time to help me. I had the canopy built by the factory as one of the then, few, "quick build" options available (the fuel tanks were the other). I've for years been wondering about the fit of it & the windscreen bow. I need not have been concerned as they both fit beautifully. I'll now be able to confirm the final position of the "dash" and get on with installing the instrument panel & avionics components.
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GAM, the first person to sit in the aircraft

GAM, the first person to sit in the aircraft

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PGC, GAM & myself installing the canopy on the rails

PGC, GAM & myself installing the canopy on the rails

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Checking the fit of the windscreen bow

Checking the fit of the windscreen bow

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