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Jean RV6 Construction Log
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Date:  5-25-2024
Number of Hours:  1.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Sanding

This morning I had a little bit of time to work on my cowling. I mostly sanded it , check the clearance and checked the solidity of the modification. I am happy with the result and that is an other item done and checked !

Also, I think I came to the conclusion that I won't get the RV6 in the air this summer because I have number of other projects that takes priority. Although I pushed to complete it , I am running out of time and the only possibility remaining is to push the first flight to next spring ...

I never thought to have to come to this decision once retired, but sometimes priority is what matters. When I started this project I promised myself that I wouldn't cut corner and my decision has a lot to do with this ... Now it is almost ready to fly but I will have to wait a bit longer before going further.

It will be just better.
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Perfect clearance  !

Perfect clearance !

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After first sanding round

After first sanding round

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Side view of that modification

Side view of that modification

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