Hans Marchners Web Site
Date: 12-27-2012
Number of Hours: 5.00
Manual Reference: Ch 8
Brief Description: Stabiliser assembly 1
I'm getting used to the preparation by now and the simple deburring tools I'm using are quite adequate - a file and sandpaper for the edges and a special hand tool for the holes. No real need for any more sophistication. Still, it's a tedious work compared to how fast the actual rivetting is. Also, the acetone cleaning and additional anti corrosion priming is a messy thing and I hope that the protection mask I'm wearing is good enough to keep the hazardous gases away from my lungs.
I think I have learned how to read the manual by now. The first time read it through just to try to find all material handled in the chapter. The second time, put all pieces together with clecos - no riveting. The third time, read all other parts of the manual that is even remotely connected to the specific part thet you are actually dealing with. This is important to understand how a specific hinge or connector is going to be used later on. Also, this may prevent you from riveting a hole that was meant to be open for a later purpose.
Still, with the stabiliser I can't figure out (for the moment) how the central hinge SD025 on the rear longeron is going to match and connect to its counterpart of the elevator, the angular elevator hinge SA087-2, The spatial positions of the two hinges match but there is no hole on the SD025 available. The only holes are the 4 mm holes that are rivetted to the reinforcement "union clamp elevator SD024". Should one of the holes be open? If so, it's only 4 mm and obviously too small for an AN3 bolt. Chapter 23 in the manual "horizontal and vertical tail assembly" doen't help any further and only shows that the hole I'm looking for should be wide enough to carry a bushing SC210 and an AN3-bolt. Well, a mail to ICP verified that the outer hole of the SD025 should be enlarged to 6 mm and connected to the hinge. So that's settled now.
Apart from this, the rest of the stabiliser was easy to assemble and once again the precision and the quality of the pieces are great.
Mounted the skins with clecoes
Deburred, cleaned and 1st anticorrosion
The framework less the hinges/reinforcements
Central stabilizer/elevator hinges?
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