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Date:  6-29-2011
Number of Hours:  5.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  engine stuff

Spent some times around the engine. I did the oil hose coolant set-up. I've been told by another builder to do all my oil hose first with cheap garden hose. Instead of cutting into my $10./foot oil hose I did the routing with the garden hose to see if it fit well. Next week, I'll add the coolant hoses and the 5/8 hoses to the cabin radiator. When everything will be in place correctly I will replace the garden hoses by the right ones.

Connect the coolant overflow bottle to the engine expansion tank, also add a vent line to the overflow bottle. Also install the vent line for the oil tank.

Positionned and installed temporarely the throttle and choke cables.
I put some insulating wrap on the exhaust tubes.
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