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Conrads X-10 Build Log
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Date:  11-15-2008
Number of Hours:  3.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Wings Section 13-2... I completed steps 1 to 8 on

11/15/2008 …. Section 13-2... I completed steps 1 to 8 on page 13-2. I unwrapped the 12 foot gold anodized spars W-SPAR ASSY-L and R (very nice) and proceeded to add the flange extension W-1006E –L and R with the appropriate rivets AN470AD4-5 and spar doublers W-1006-L and R as described in Fig. 1. Page 13-2. This is because the computerized milling machine where the Wing Spars were created only accepts items up to 12 foot and 12 foot is a standard industry length ( the next standard industry length is 14 foot and cost a lot more with over 1 foot of waste material) but the aircraft spar needs to be 12 foot, 8 inches. Therefore the extensions are necessary Steps 5 to 8 were accomplished by fabricating the two (or four including the right spar) Win Box J-Stiffeners W-1028A each a length of 92 ¼” inches and then did the same with Wing Box J-Stiffener W-1028B that were 53 ¾” each. Both of these were attached to the W-Spar Assy-L and R as described in Fig. 2 and 3. Total Time 3 hours.
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Added the Extension to the Main Spar

Added the Extension to the Main Spar

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The Right Main Spar Addition

The Right Main Spar Addition

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