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Date:  3-24-2009
Number of Hours:  3.50
Manual Reference:  Ch 13
Brief Description:  Ribs

As the wing skins and other wing parts wer damageed in shipping, and I dont know yet when the replacements will arrive, on to the fuselage.

Took the day off from work (sort of!) and spent most of the time I had filing, deburring holes (Nancy did most of this), sanding, bending parts back into shape (minor damage from shippers), corrosion protecting, etc. Then about 20 minutes trying to make sure that I was doing what the instructions described.

The first (actually the rearmost) ribs were simple, and required only riveting some stiffeners to them (take care the orientation of the stiffeners and look VERY CLOSELY at some of the exploded drawings). The 4-6 ribs were constructed from individual angles and gussets. Howver, the 4-6 ribs also have installed in them the rudder cables.

On mine, the adjustable ends of the cables are towards the front, and I took time to cleco all the parts together before making it permanent. Also, due to the thickness of the cable guides, I used the longer black colored rivets to install those. Hope that was OK, instructions didnt mention, but the standard rivets barely poked through everything.
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Ready for assembly

Ready for assembly

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Adjustable parts towards the front

Adjustable parts towards the front

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Basically done, only riveting remains

Basically done, only riveting remains

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