KitLog pro

Powered By Kitlog Pro v2.0

Don Schwanke's Air Force One
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Date:  1-21-2016
Number of Hours:  0.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  My Log is Back up and Working

Well thanks to a friend on VAF, I am now officially back up and running again! What a load off my shoulders and many thanks to Ray for his freely offered help and making it work again!
I will try to fill in the blanks as I recall them, but for now this is a quick catchup. Yesterday I received my new 2020 compliant GPS antenna from Dynon, a small part, but it makes my plane fully compliant with the FAA Jan 1 2020 requirements for ADSB! That also was a load off my shoulders, and the simple part to make it all happen is at photo one below.
In changing to wing tanks, fuel tank venting took a lot of thought, one way to make it happen was to vent the standpipe tank, and no other way to avoid siphoning was to put a vent on TOP OF THE PLANE! It matches the two on the bottom of the fuselage and makes a fully FAA compliant vent system. Took some planning, but I am happy with the system now, see photo two. Also it covered up a hole where I had earlier installed a nav-com antenna that poked anyone in the eye that walked by, including me!
While the wings were "back home from the hangar" for tank work, I remembered I had not installed the reinforcements Vans came out with, so did that as well, see photo 3 for a shot in progress, now completed.
I am SO HAPPY to have my Kitlog back up and running, now if I can just keep it that way! Thanks again Ray!!
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