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Date:  1-3-2004
Number of Hours:  6.00
Manual Reference:  8-18 Dwg. 39
Brief Description:  Cabin Frame

Today I continued on the cabin frame. I drilled the balance of the holes being very careful of the alignment to the first series of holes. I wanted to make these look good because I am not sure if these holes will be visible from the outside of the aircraft or perhaps they will be epoxy over have to wait and see. Anyway I dimensioned the holes very carefully and spent about 3 hours drilling them all. I then had to file down the ends to achieve the proper height requirement. I disassembled everything and proceeded the long task of deburring. I also drilled the other F-631E plate to the front frame. I also proceeded to attach the F-732D angle to the frame but was slightly amused that the drawing calls the angle to be 88 degrees. Well I tried squeezing it to that angle in my table vise but it would not budge. Then I discovered I had made the angle out of .125 stock instead .063. I remade and squeezed the angle down slightly in the vise. I also etched and primed all the angle pieces. Almost forgot that I need to countersink all of those zillion holes. I wonder how the countersinking will look around those fairly tight curves? I will report the next time I’m back at the computer.

Well I came back after dinner and put another 3 hours countersinking all of the holes and riveting the holes that require the solid rivets. I will do the pop rivets tomorrow.
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Drilling cabin frame

Drilling cabin frame

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Need to trim ends.

Need to trim ends.

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Ends are trimmed

Ends are trimmed

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