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Date:  12-30-2003
Number of Hours:  5.00
Manual Reference:  8-18 Dwg. 39
Brief Description:  Cabin Frame

Today I laid out the cabin frame pieces and trimmed enough off the two mating sections to achieve the proper width. It is important to measure carefully and you must consider the thickness of the F-631C angle pieces when calculating the proper width of the frame. My frame needed to be 42 inches exactly. I made and drilled the F-631E plate to the aft frame. The 2nd of these plates get drilled to the front frame but a little bit later.
I then started drilling the zillion holes in the cabin frame (AKA roll bar) with the inner strap installed. I began drilling from the center working my way outwards keeping the strap down tightly in the channel. The straps will tend to rise out of position if you’re not careful. Once one hole is drilled slightly high the problem of the strap rising will just compound as you move towards the ends. How do I know this…because it happened when I drilled the outer strap? Now I have a situation where the gap between the assembly will not be even. I carefully measured the desired height of the straps and trimmed accordingly to get them even all the way around the assemblies. I am getting tired of drilling all these holes so I will finish another day.
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Cabin frame angles.

Cabin frame angles.

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F-631E plates.

F-631E plates.

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