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Date:  6-17-2005
Number of Hours:  6.50
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Remake rudder stops and rudder strips

I discovered that the rudder stops were install wrong. The rudder actual hits the elevated before hitting the stop. I drilled out the two stops and plugged the holes with JB Weld but after careful consideration I have decided to make the stops over again. I spent a bunch of time trying to fit the lower fairing to the rudder. I also drilled out the hole for the taillight but made a mistake thinking that the bracket is installed inside of the hole backwards. This caused me to drill too large of a hole. I also mounted the fairing inside of the R-716 rudder strips because it wouldn’t fit well any other way. The reason it wouldn’t fit well is that the R-716 is suppose to be installed on the inside of the bottom rib but I had mine installed between the rib and the rudder skin. I ended up drilling out the bottom rudder strips. I now need to remake them. I also order a new rudder fairing. The saying…”haste makes waste” is so true when it comes to building an airplane. I better get busy making the new rudder stops.
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